120 Years – 120 Objects
As a countdown to the Siegerlandmuseum's 120th anniversary on 25 March 2025, every day you can discover a new object from our collection here.

Gilles Hendricks
Shipwreck of Aeneas

Definitely worth a look!
Tomorrow we will present the next piece from our collection.
Facts and figures

Celebrating 120 years soon!
The Siegerlandmuseum opened in 1905

“Rubens Museum”?
We are exhibiting paintings and prints by and after Peter Paul Rubens

At 14 metres below the inner courtyard, a show mine was created in 1938

Changing special exhibition programme
Every spring an annual exhibition & every autumn a Rubens prints exhibition

Over 10,000 exhibits
are displayed in the exhibition area and in our depots

1,500 sqm
is the size of our exhibition area
Your Visit
Museum is closed.
Opening hours
10:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.
Tuesday to Sunday
Closed on Mondays (except Easter Monday and Whit Monday)
Closed on those holidays:
New Year, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, German Labor Day, Day of German Unity, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's EveAdmission fees
Adults – single person
Adults - Group price per person from 10 persons
Students, trainees, persons with AlumniCardUniSiegen or Juleica, severely disabled (with proof)
Guided museum tour (plus admission fee)
Sunday guided tour for adults
Sunday guided tour for children from 6 and youths including 18 years
Booked guided tour in German language
Booked guided tour in foreign languages
Combined ticket with the Museum für Gegenwartskunst (Museum of Contemporary Art)
Group of adults (per person, from 10 persons)
Students (6-26 years), persons with Juleica
Group of students (6-26 years), persons with Juleica
Families (parents and children up to 16 years)
Free admission for
Children and youths up to and including 18 years
Friends' association of the Siegerlandmuseum
Members of ICOM or German Museum Association
Siegen ID (Siegener Ausweis)